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Green AI - Made simple
Benefit from easy access to all the most recent models. Design your system without worrying about large LLM bills. Stay focused on developing the solution and forget about AI infrastructure.
Use our innovative system to intelligently route your AI queries to the most efficient model for the task, optimizing energy usage without compromising on quality.
Maintain transparent tracking of usage and environmental imapct.
How It Works​
Use models in our catalog or add your existing keys
Access all models using the OpenAI API specs
Track usage and environmental impact of each model used
Get detailed recommendations on energy savings and efficiency improvements
For Pro users
Select 'Auto' and let Green Tokens analyze your query to determine complexity and requirements
Routes to the most suitable model: efficient, standard, or advanced
Minimizes energy consumption while maintaining performance needs
For Advanced users
Returns an answer evaluation score with every answer to asses model ability
Custom 'auto' routes for internal models
HIPAA complaint and/or encrypted compute
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